Parent Guide to Child Abuse & Neglect Investigation

Parents Guide to Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation
Parents Guide to Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation
Parents Guide to Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation
Assistance in Accessing Community Resources and Services:
We provide referrals to culturally informed resources, empowering them with knowledge and the ability to access needed resources. We also believe in the importance of preserving cultural heritage and strengthening the bonds within the community. Our cultural connections services assist foster youth and families in reconnecting with their roots and heritage.
Advocacy and Equity Promotion:

We actively work to drive policy and system changes to combat the overrepresentation of Black children in the Oregon foster care system. Our advocacy efforts aim to create lasting, systemic change that benefits all children in Oregon.

Support for parents as they navigate child welfare:
We understand that facing the foster care system can be daunting. Our organization provides personalized support, guidance and advocacy to parents and caregivers, helping them understand the intricacies of the system and access the resources needed to keep their children out of foster care or facilitate a safe return home.
Educational Workshops:
These services would be designed to increase awareness of the disproportionate representation of Black children in the Oregon foster care system and provide culturally competent resources and support to families and communities.